O Sun O Moon is scheduled for release on May 12, 2023

Bruce’s 38th studio album
by True North Records
O Sun O Moon is Cockburn’s latest studio album available May 12, 2023 from True North Records, a collection of 12 new original songs that demonstrate the songwriting and guitar-playing skills that come from more than 55 years of artistry. He has 22 gold and platinum records including a 6 times platinum record for his Christmas album. Cockburn continues to tour internationally.
You can listen to the track, Us All, on YouTube or on iTunes. You can pre/purchase this album at True North Records.
Track Listing:
1. On a Roll
2. Orders
3. Push Come to Shove
4. Colin Went Down to the Water
5. Into the Now
6. Us All
7. To Keep the World We Know
8. King of the Bolero
9. When the Spirit Walks in the Room
10. Haiku
11. O Sun By Day O Moon By Night
12. When You Arrive
From the album O Sun O Moon – get it here: True North Records
Composer: Bruce Cockburn
Animation by Kurt Swinghammer
(c) Linus Entertainment Inc. Marketed by True North Records.